Tuesday, July 20, 2010

java, beans, and joe

my absolute favorite time of day is my morning coffee time. it's so peaceful and relaxing, and i always get this feeling as though i can conquer anything the day throws my way.

have you ever heard of coffee cupping? it's 100% my type of get together. it's like a wine tasting, just swapping out the wine for coffee. this website gives the lowdown on how it's done right. but if you're like me, you like the sparknotes version.

design*sponge blogger, paige anderson appel, decided to host a coffee cupping party. she gives tips, tricks, and tools of how to do it properly. From the coffee ring place cards to the coffee-stained napkins, this party seems like the ultimate event for a cold winter evening.

if i hosted a coffee cupping, i would for sure be decorating with fragment lights.

"my command is this: love each other as i have loved you."
john 15:12

1 comment:

  1. YES YES YES! i would soo be there. how about an end of the summer event?


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