it's quiet. tooooo quiet. my bro-skies have finally moved away for different schools, so i am now an only child in the lockhart household.
growing up with my brothers has been one big adventure in boyland. the house will now be free from talk of guns, muscles, and girls. there will also be a lot less of gross boy noises and smells. and we can finally clear the kitchen of venison, protein powder, white bread, chips, and candy bars.
it's been half a day, and it's a much different life around my house. this whole "growing up" thing has its changes that i will just have to get used to. miss ya brothers!

"about benjamin he said: 'let the beloved of the LORD rest secure in him, for he shields him all day long, and the one the LORD loves rests between his shoulders.'”
deuteronomy 33:12
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