weekend's here. mine's packed full of celebrations - i have a cousin who is graduating and a bridal shower for a sweet friend of mine (one of the members of the pool club).
what does your weekend look like? today i am making thumbprint cookies for the shower, catching up with college friends over lunch at dream cafe, and attempting to walk all 9 miles around white rock lake.
but enough about my weekend plans, here is this weeks taste + see.
since june 4 is national trails day (seems like every day is some holiday, right?), aaaaand this event has a fab name, this weekends event is turtlepalooza. i couldn't resist that name.
i must confess: i was quite the animal lover when i was a wee one. and turtles i had a plenty. every summer when i was younger we had a mega-huge family reunion in mississippi. one summer i happened to find two turtle lovers while walking in a graveyard (creepy, huh?). it was love at first sight. so i packed them up in a box and brought them all the way home to dallas, tx, where i named one goldie and fed them strawberries and cantalope. i loved them so much my mom devoted one of my birthday parties to the lovely turtles and called it a "critter party," where we had critter races, did a critter craft, and displayed all our critters for everyone to see. great life huh?

cost: free
date & time: saturday, june 4 from 10am to 2pm
location: trinity river audubon center
details: why is it called the turtlepalooza? because this is an event with turtles, turtles, and more turtles. you can see live turtles, chat with turtle experts, learn about texas turtle history, and take a hike to see turtles in their element. if turtles aren't your thing, you can still also enjoy the 120 acres of natural beauty the center offers.
"he has shown you, o mortal, what is good. and what does the LORD require of you? to act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God."
micah 6:8
p.s. if you're really not into turtles, critters, or animals, you can also visit the bishop arts district market that occurs on the first saturday of every month. if i wasn't so busy on saturday, i would totally stop by to see the free music, food, and street celebration.
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