it's h o t. and it's only june. brace yourselves texans, we are starting the too-hot-to-do-anything-but-take-a-dip-in-the-pool weather.
nowadays my day-dreamy self can only fixate on things that make me cooler (i break out in a sweat even when i blowdry my hair!!). when i was younger, we used to make homemade popsicles with whatever fruit juice on hand. oh they were so delish, and always managed to give us a little break from the heat.
but how lovely would it be to have a popsicle picnic? the ladies at design*sponge created this cool and colorful picnic with popsicles, izzes, and big blow up paper cranes. i may or may not be copying this with my own friends sometime soon.

"now choose life, so that you and your children may live and that you may love the LORD your God, listen to his voice, and hold fast to him. for the LORD is your life"
deuteronomy 30:19b-20
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